The Role of Organic in Alleviating Alzheimer's Disease

3 min read

Alzheimer's incidence, prevalence and morbidity rate had been significantly increasing over the years. It has been widely noted as one of the leading causes of death in the World.

Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the US and every 67 seconds someone develops this disease. Women are the epicenter of the disease and 2/3 of Americans with the disease is a woman. An estimated 5.2 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's disease in 2014. This includes an estimated 5 million people age 65 and older, A1 and approximately 200,000 individuals under age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer's.

With these rates, scientists and well-renowned neurologists are looking for treatments in various fields of science. One of the most popular is Traditional Medicine. This technique uses physical techniques and organic means. The most used is organic medicine. Supplements had been developed to maintain neurologic health and attain optimum neurologic function for patients with Alzheimer's and those that are a high risk of developing the disease.

Among the most popular organic material used is Bacopa Monnieri. This ayurvedic plant had been tested by time and tradition to be a powerful neurologic enhancer and stabilizer. In this very scientific world that we have right now, studies and clinical trials arose to test and prove it's function and effectivity. This time-tested plant had undergone several clinical manipulations to prove it's a role in America's most widely known and prevalent neurologic disability, Alzheimer's disease.
According to one trial, Bacopa monniera attenuates scopolamine-induced impairment of spatial memory in mice. This suggests that B. monniera's effects on the cholinergic system may be helpful for developing alternative therapeutic approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. B. monniera had been used as well in elderly volunteers to determine the effect of B. monnieri on attention, cognitive processing, working memory, and cholinergic and monoaminergic functions. The trial suggests that B. monnieri can improve attention, cognitive processing, and working memory partly via the suppression of AChE activity.

With these breakthroughs in science, not only had this plant been tested by time and tradition but also had been supported by current technologies and scientific approaches to be effective as it is through time. B. monniera is not only a neurologic enhancer that can be taken to prevent neurologic dysfunction but it is a promising tool for treatment and rehabilitation for patients with neurologic disabilities such as Alzheimer's disease.


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